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Thursday, April 22, 2010

We're Moving on Up.......Moving on Up......to the East Side...

Michael is in week 4 of AIT and has received his PCS orders as of Monday. We will be heading east folks! We are going to Ft. Bragg, North Carolina. There is so much to consider when traveling this far and my mind is scrambling right now but I cannot complain. We had a huge scare the week before because we thought his orders were to Korea and we were devastated! It wasn't that it was scary to go but right now with my Dad's health and Brit's new life on her own, it is scary to think that perhaps we could not get to them easily. Fort Bragg is a good sixteen hour drive from where we currently are at in Missouri, but I asked and prayed for East Coast and I got it. I fell in love with the east coast when I was in basic training, South Carolina to be exact. Then I went on to Virginia. I loved it so much, the smell of pine, the people, the houses, the rich history. As a history teacher, the southeast is the best place to be! I cannot wait to spend countless weekends traveling to different places around the country and keeping scrapbooks on each of them. I can't wait to walk the battlefields of Gettysburg and stand in awe in front of the Lincoln Memorial yet again. I want to smell the Cherry Blossoms bloom in front of the White House and see New York City. There are many things on my bucket list but most of them have to do with traveling to different places on the east coast.

I am ready for our new beginning even as nervous as I am. I cannot wait to do this and be by his side once again. Even if he leaves to go off to war, I still have family close by. I have an aunt and cousins that live just a few hours a way, close enough for a weekend jaunt and I have a couple of friends that I have known for a long time that are there. One of them, I graduated with and I am so excited to be close to her! Her parents will actually live about fifteen minutes from me.

Michael has increased his PT scores and gets more determined every day to run more. He is so in shape and Im not. I will be but I am not. Now, we will have a free fitness center at our disposal so that should be much better for us. We have alot to learn soon about North Carolina so if you have info. for us feel free to pass it along.